I take our Golden
Retriever, Maggie, with me to various places. I take her to Rural King and the
bank. I tie her leash to my cart when I shop at Wal-Mart or Lowe’s. She loves
going to PetSmart. And she loves visiting people at Franciscan Manor and in
people’s homes.
Do you know what I
notice about people when they see Maggie? They are attracted to her. People
want to pet her and give her treats. Some people ask if they can take her home.
Even though Maggie is a well-behaved, cute dog, she affects people.
Babies do the same
thing. In our Gospel today (Luke 2:21-40), two older people meet the baby Jesus.
The man was named Simeon, and he was so thrilled to have seen Jesus that he
took him into his arms and said that Jesus would be a light for the people and
for the glory to Israel.
The woman was named
Anna, and she spent all her time in the Temple praying. When she saw the baby
Jesus, she gave thanks to God and spoke of him to all who were waiting for God
to save Jerusalem.
Do you think you affect
people? Yes. You do. People may not say anything to you, but they do tell your
parents, and they talk to other adults about how you brighten their day.
Well, today is the
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. It is when Jesus’ mom and dad brought him
to the Temple for the first time. Even as a baby Jesus was our Savior, through
his dying on the cross we are washed clean from our sin so we can have eternal
life. So, always remember the affect babies and well-behaved dogs have, and
never forget what Jesus did for you. With that, let us pray.
Heavenly Father, from
whom all fatherhood in heaven and earth is named: Bless all children, and give
their fathers and mothers the spirit of wisdom and love, so that the homes in
which they grow up may be to them an image of Your Kingdom, and the care of
their parents a likeness of Your love. We pray in the Name of the Father and
the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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