Saturday, June 5, 2021

Sandwich Stories


Do you like sandwiches? There are many different sandwiches. I like ham and cheese, BLT, tuna and peanut butter sandwiches. I like grilled sandwiches, hoagies and wraps. Today, I brought with me bread and cheese. We can make a grilled cheese sandwich. I speak about sandwiches because St. Mark used the image of the sandwich to tell stories about Jesus.

Let me give you an example. I will tell you a story about walking my dogs, Travis, Maggie and Pepper. We walk them every day. Every day we have a different experience.

Some days, we meet my friend, Vicky. She loves our dogs, and loves to pet all three of them. Well, that story only lasts for a few minutes, and then we continue our walk, and something else happens.

So, I may have a second story about my dogs or continue telling the first story after we met my friend. My point is this.

Maybe you have done the same. Maybe you told your parents a story about reading class, and then told a story about your best friend in your reading class and how she made you laugh, and finally, finished by completing your story about your reading class.

Someday, you can tell a story about your friend, and then how you brought your friend to Jesus who changed her life, and then how your friend changed other people’s lives. Hopefully, you will be able to tell sandwich stories that involves Jesus.

With that, let us pray. Heavenly Father, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and earth is named: Bless these and all children, and give their parents the spirit of wisdom and love, so that the homes in which they grow up may be to them an image of Your Kingdom, and the care of their parents a likeness of Your love. We pray in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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