Friday, May 5, 2023



Do you live in a small house or a large house? Most of us live in small to medium-sized houses. Some people live in really big houses. One member of a church where I was pastor had a mansion with big iron gates and his initial on them. He had lots of rooms in his mansion, and then behind it, he had a big garage with two apartments above that. But I think the biggest house I visited was The White House. You can get lost in there.

I mention big houses because in our Gospel today (John 14:1-14), Jesus talks about his Father’s house and the many rooms in it. How many rooms do you think are in that house? Well, there must be a lot because Jesus is preparing rooms for all of us. I hope mine has a huge bed because my dogs like to sleep in bed with me.

Often times, we refer to a church as God’s House. Why do you think we call it that? It’s because we come here to be with God and to be together, like Jesus and the Apostles did. We’re in a new Hose of God, and when we look around, we compare it to our previous House of God. We may not like the size of this house, or the walls or floors. This house does not “feel” like the old house. Worst of all, there are only two bathrooms!

You know what I like about this house that I liked just as much as the other house? I like you being here. I like that God is here … and all of God’s sons and daughters. I like that Jesus is here with us in Word and Sacrament, and that he is going to show us the way to his Father’s house. And when we get to our Father’s house, do you know what we’re all going to say? “This is the best house ever!”

 With that, let us pray. Heavenly Father, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and earth is named: Bless these and all children, and give their parents the spirit of wisdom and love, so that the homes in which they grow up may be to them an image of Your Kingdom, and the care of their parents a likeness of Your love. We pray in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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